Nav Pages

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Journal #4 - Site Map Rough Draft

Journal #4 - Site Map Rough Draft

Site Title:

Technology Equipment Check-Out


Daniel Stewart

Focus & Format:

HTML 5 & CSS3. Submit forms via web interface.

Site Map

Wire Frame

Main Features & Content:

Technology equipment check out form for classroom or individual use. User contract / consent requirements. Information about equipment for checkout and the availability of inventory on requested days. Printable receipt of 'transaction'.

Target Audience:

Staff and faculty who would like to rent out equipment like laptops, iPads or other equipment for class or events.

Design considerations:

Form layout. Form fields. Required information vs. additional information.

Limiting Factors:

  1. Can the entire form be written with HTML5? Probably not.
  2. Security concerns with how to make data transferred between form and a server side database.
  3. A server side database.
  4. On demand availability of inventory.
  5. Auto email responses.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Journal 3 - The Case for Social Media in School

Journal 3 - The Case for Social Media in School

This article made a bunch of great points about the pro's for social media use in the classroom. I haven't been in public education since high school so my knowledge of CIPA is limited, so when I read this, "Many mainstream social media sites like Facebook and MySpace are blocked in schools that receive federal funding because of the Children’s Internet Protection Act, which states that these schools can’t expose their students to potential harm on the Internet" (1). I finally understood why we had so many restrictions on our computers! The use of intranet or at least non-public blogs for education is definitely the way to go, just to avoid all of the issues with the law. "Delmatoff managed her social media class without a budget by using free tools like Edmodo and Edublogs" (1). I really like how these are free, but what is especially interesting to me is how they both allow an entire school to sign up and be centrally controlled by a IT, Educational Technology department or single entity. Being centrally controlled allows the institution to streamline the process for each semester, and allows teachers to focus on the content instead of the setup.

"One day she had students comment on one of President Obama’s speeches; another day she had them make two-minute videos of something on their walk home that was a bad example of sustainability." This is something I would have loved to do as a student and provides an excellent point for using social media tools in the classroom. Activities like making short videos or taking pictures of what students perceive as poor environmental etiquette and having the ability to share it instantly on the class blog may inspire them to post it on their personal social media account. Awareness of environmental and sustainability issues are going to be a huge issue in the near future and getting children aware and active early is going to be essential to the survival of our species. A bit of topic, but I was very inspired and excited to read that.

This article was written in 2010 and in the three years since cell (smart) phones and tablets have become even more prominent in children's lives. The  sixth bullet in Mashable's article, "Cell phones aren't the Enemy", is exactly right. Even more to the point is they are not going to go away, so acceptance of them being in the classroom is a good start. I see a couple of problems with this though, "Delmatoff would send text messages to wake chronically absent kids up before school or send messages like, “I see you at the mini-mart” when they were running late (there’s a mini-mart visible from the school). She called the program “Texts on Time,” and it improved chronic absenteeism by about 35% without costing the school a dime."

Q: With internet access and free unlimited text messaging available with most cell phones being so prominent do we still have to worry about those without?

I ask this mostly because of the quote in the previous paragraph where the teacher texted her students to improve truancy, but who payed for the cell contract? We all know times are extremely tough for teachers, this NPR article describes the situation Lancaster Pennsylvania school district find themselves in, $5.5 million in the red (2). Plus what I heard this morning on NPR (can't find source) that teachers have had only a %0.75 raise in salary in the last 5-10 years. Is it safe for us to assume the teacher paying for unlimited text messaging and assuming the child has that as well? What about children and parents who can't afford it? I feel like there may be some issues by assuming every child will be able to have access to a cell phone, or a smart phone with the service plan to have the internet. I do understand the statistics show that an overwhelming amount of students have access to something they can get on the internet with or have a cell phone, but there is a significant percentage that are not that well off.

Q: How do we address these students?

A: That is the big question facing educators and lawmakers right now! According to a recent University of Michigan study, "76 percent of U.S. children have computers and access to the Internet in their homes, and those between 12 and 17 years of age log in approximately five hours a week to use them" (3) . Over three quarters of the children they studied had access to the internet, which leaves 1 in 4 without access. This is especially true in poorer and rural areas. The most interesting experiment going on right now in California. The Los Angeles Unified School District is in the pilot phase of a plan which will see each child in the district have their own iPad, though the project is extremely pricey and is expected to cost $1 billion (4). Even in the pilot program there have been problems, from lost and broken iPads, to children breaking built in security measures, to the entire network infrastructure needing upgrading (4).

1. Kessler, S. (2010, September 10). "The Case For Social Media in Schools." Mashable. Retrieved October 19, 2013, from

2. Sanchez, C. (2013, September 7). "New School Year Brings Sequestration Pain For Many Districts" NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2013 from

3. Heller, K. (2012). Do Children Really Spend Too Much Time in Front of Screens?. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 20, 2013, from

4. Gilbertson, A. (2013, October 11). "LA Unified’s iPads pilot phase continues on bumpy road: schools back out, suffer technical glitches" | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC. 89.3 KPCC - Southern California Public Radio. Retrieved October 19, 2013, from

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Journal #2 Digg Reader, a far cry from Digg's birth as a social news source.

Journal #2 Digg Reader, a far cry from Digg's birth as a social news source.

I have much higher opinions of Digg Reader than I initially had after using it as my first stop for news in the morning this week. I actually really enjoy how Digg Reader searches for and organizes the content and sources so easily. This brings me immediately to question number one though.

   (Q1) What is the point of Digg Reader if RSS Readers are built into every internet browser?

   A: It's all about the searching. Digg Reader's search feature is outstanding. I was able to find so many   different places to get information for things that I am interested in, for example, I didn't even know the GeoPolitical research company, STRATFOR, releases any of it's articles for free via it's RSS feed. Simply by searching GeoPolitics, I was able to see that someone was linking to STRATFOR's GeoPolitics feed and I was able to search just for STRATFOR and found the feed immediately. The organization is so plain and simple, it makes it a marvelous way to skim through the headlines or jump fully into an article.

I used Digg back when it first started in 2004 and was an active user for three years, before it's demise. What interests me is how Digg become an RSS reader, as the original was founded by Kevin Rose, a former TechTV personality and was actually a social news website. A social news website is a space where user's sign up and submit content (article, blog, news, picture, video, whatever) and other users can comment or "like" or "dislike" the content. Social news websites gained major popularity on the web around the same side Facebook took over MySpace as the leading social media web site. Digg's way of sorting content was by to put the content with the most "diggs" (likes) at the top and "buried" (dislikes) content would be at the bottom. Check out how Digg used to look by using the "Wayback Machine" from our first class Digg's early years were a huge success, with millions of active users all over the world. This caught the eye of the CEO of a startup internet entertainment and content creation company called Revision3 and eventually had a staggering $200 million in funding and revenue. Podcasts and video casts seemed to be the future and Revision3 wanted the jump on it, using Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht both of whom would easily recognized by the tech savvy or those who watched TechTV (before it was sold to G4 TV). Together they launched a video podcast called "Digg Nation" which would feature Kevin and Alex commenting on the most dugg stories of the week and interacting with Digg users. The show and the website were widely popular from 2004 up until 2008, when researchers showed that a huge amount of the most popular stories that made it to the front page were submitted by around 100 users. This revelation caused an uproar in the community and that is when upper management decided to push a more advertising based formula for calculating the amount of diggs a piece of submitted content would get and add limits to the amount of content people could submit. The Digg community was outraged at the change and thus began the demise of Digg. As Digg began to flop, Kevin and the other influential founders left the site and Digg became a husk of it's former self, as most of its users abandon it to other social news outlets like Reddit and StumbleUpon. Kevin Rose now works as a venture partner with Google Ventures, which invests in startup companies on behalf of Google. This brings me to my second question.

   (Q2) Why did what was left of Digg become an RSS reader?

   A: Simply put, Google was completely dropping it's RSS reader called Google Reader. Internet forum discussions during the time show that the Google Reader community was extremely disheartened with the announcement and were actively seeking solutions but not one of the other RSS collection websites did not offer the same easy to use and manage interface as Google. Digg saw this as an opportunity to evolve the company to fill the gap Google was leaving behind and captured a good amount of Google Reader's former users.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Journal #1.1: Chapters 1-3

Journal #1.1: Chapters 1-3

I am already very familiar with all of the material laid out in this first reading and am glad the author brought up all of this up right off the bat. I think it is an understatement to say how necessary it is for you (me, us, whatever) to understand everything covered in these first three chapters, especially Chapter 2, "How the Web Works". Web Page Addresses (URLs) section lays out one of the most important concepts and is actually a little too simplified, but it does provide a good entry point into how devices interact and communicate with each other and the internet. I'm just going to jump into a couple of questions and answers to maybe help some of you better understand the URL topic laid out in Chapter 2.

Question 1: Why all the acronyms? FDQN and TLD

A: The acronyms are what will get you utterly confused when learning anything about electronics and technology. Get used to it! Our first acronym was actually mentioned in the reading though not by name, in Chapter 2, under Web Page Addresses (URLs). Understanding the breakdown of a URL is a necessity!

So what is a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FDQN) and what does it have to do with a URL?  A FDQN pretty much is a URL, without all the stuff after the .com/blah/blah134@#$!465.23412.jspx. The FDQN consists of a host and domain name, and includes the top level domain. For example, is a fully qualified domain name, where the www is considered the host, example represents the second level domain, is the top level domain (TLD). A FQDN always starts with a host name and continues, with all the sub domains all the way up to the top-level domain name. So, and are FDQNs, while and are URLs. We need to be aware of this especially when working with web server infrastructure.

Question 2: Will there be any other TLDs?

A: Yes, there will be more TLDs in the future. Meet gTLDs, or generic Top Level Domains! This is one of the most important developments in the current history of the internet as it will broaden the base of gTLDs available on the marketplace. This is going to unlock new combinations of web addresses, the amount of which is daunting. What if you could buy or These are the questions facing the Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) for implementing the new gTLDs, as they are in charge of what can be used as a TLD (again, whatever is after the secondary domain name (.com, .org, .edu, etc)). ICANN's website has a section dedicated to gTLDs if you are interested in learning more about the future of the internet, here .

Dan's Useful Tip:

Lorem Ipsum - This infamous Latin text was painstakingly assembled in the 1500's by an unknown publisher and has been used in the field ever since. It useful because of it has a normal distribution of words and punctuation but isn't actually in english and doesn't cause distraction. I suggest generating some of the text from the website and inserting it into your projects if you don't have enough content or text to see what a final product will look like. Generating the Lorem Ipsum text can be done for free using this website

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Journal #1 Introductory Blog Assignment: Introduce Yourself

Daniel Stewart
GED 512
Blog #1 About Me
Daniel Stewart, Technical Support Specialist, Claremont Graduate University
My name is Dan Stewart, I was born in San Francisco and lived in the west Bay Area, attending a few different private pre and elementary schools. My family then spent a few years in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon from second to halfway through eighth grade. We then moved south to Ventura County, where I attended Rio Mesa High School, a struggling public school in the strawberry fields of Oxnard. Students came from an interesting blend of economic backgrounds, ethnicities, and social values making the school a diverse and overall fun experience. I graduated form high school in 2006 and was accepted to Sonoma State University (SSU) where I graduated with a BA in Geography in 201. Since then I have been working as a Technical Support Specialist at Claremont Graduate University (CGU).  
I consider myself toward the advanced end of the technology continuum, but with plenty of room to hone and perfect my skill set. I have a lot of experience in Information Technology, especially in higher education environments. My entire working career thus far has been in the technology industry, since my days selling iPods as a teenager for Circuit City to my multiple IT jobs within the CSU campus system, from SSU to CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI). Some of my responsibilities include administering, maintaining, upgrading and configuring CGU information technology infrastructure, computer work stations and electronic devices in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2008 RC2 domain environment. Most of my work centers on providing technical support and creating forms and documentation to the CGU computing community. I pride myself in taking customer service to the next level; I not only troubleshoot, but try to teach the user by using common language and easy to understand analogies to improve their understanding.  On occasion I will assist the Media Technology Coordinator distribute telecommunication, audio/video and presentation technologies for administration meetings, campus events and conferences. The summer before my first semester at SSU I applied and was hired for a job with the IT department as the Media Production Coordinator’s assistant. The job was a class in itself and I loved it. I helped film school productions, events, graduations and lectures using Live-to-Web digital video and audio switching technology. I also was instrumental in updating the campus television studio to modern standards. Above and beyond my favorite class was Sonoma State Television (SSU-TV), which is an advanced class for the Communication’s department.  I was one of three student instructors responsible for a group of ten students. The leadership position at SSU-TV gave me a chance to hone and advance my skills in management, leadership and communication. As the Entertainment Team Leader for 2 semesters (one of which I volunteered and received no course credit), I was responsible for the students assigned to my group. Much of the work was to be done outside of class time, and as the group leader I was responsible for coordinating these events. These outside class events included production and content research meetings, filming, renting equipment, editing sessions. Throughout the semester, I was responsible for assigning homework and individual grades based on set guidelines from professor. As you can probably tell, I love technology and I see infinite applications for its use in the technology field.
The Masters of Educational Multimedia (EMM) program was introduced to me by two Alumni and fellow employees at CGU, both of whom recommended it as a great place to enhance my professional skills. My personal goal for this class is to reaffirm my basic knowledge of HTML/CSS, basic internal workings of the internet and the current and future possible roles of the web in education. I think the EMM program fits me perfectly, not only because of the outstanding campus, labs and facilities, but the focus on gathering relevant experience toward my preferred professional career and furthering my knowledge of multi-media, web and educational technologies from an advanced to expert level.